The key botanical for the March Limited GIN is Spring Turmeric.
Spring turmeric is a perennial herb in the curcuma genus of the ginger family, also known as “Kyououou”.
As its name suggests, this plant produces pretty peach-colored flowers in spring, and the language of flowers is “I am intoxicated by the sight of you”… The perfect language of flowers for alcohol, isn’t it?
Unlike autumn turmeric (turmeric), which flowers in autumn and is known as a curry spice and nutritional drink, spring turmeric is called wild turmeric and is rich in minerals and essential oil components such as cineole.
The spring turmeric used is grown in Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture. When cut, it has a fresh, sweet and gentle aroma similar to that of eucalyptus or cypress.
This time, such spring turmeric is distilled using YASO spirits to create a highly aromatic gin.
You may ask, “Did turmeric have such a fragrance? You may be surprised.