Additional Time! Albirex Niigata J2 League Championship Sale!

After the results of the previous week, Albirex Niigata has won the Meiji Yasuda Seimei J2 League Championship!

We have been supporting Albirex Niigata all year long, and on October 8, we held a sale to express our gratitude for their promotion to J1. We are pleased to announce that the sale, which was so well received and celebrated by many of you, is now back as a commemorative sale to celebrate our victory!

Additional Time is 15 days! Take advantage of the Albirex Niigata Championship Sale!

【Sale Details】
Period: October 23 (Sun.) 18:00 – November 06 (Sun.) 23:59

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■20% off sale of products
In celebration of Albirex Niigata’s J2 league championship and promotion to J1, we will offer Echigo Yakuso products and THE HARBALIST YASO products at 20% off for two weeks. We look forward to your orders, dear customers!
Click here to visit our website.
Echigo Yakuso:

Please note!
・The 20% off sale excludes some items. Items will be shipped sequentially.
・The J1 promotion commemorative limited edition GIN will be shipped in December.

We look forward to your continued patronage.